a poll was taken of 100 students at a computer campus to find out how they got to campus.

31 said they drove alone
34 rode in a carpool
25 rode public transportation
5 used both carpool and public transportation
8 used both a car pool and sometimes their own cars
4 used buses as well as their own cars
3 used all methods
how many used none of the above mentioned means of transportation

No Emmily, how can you have -10 people ?

Make a Venn diagram, showing three overlapping circles, label them
A for driving alone
C for carpool
P for public trans

put 3 in the intersection of all 3 circles
5 used C and P, so 5 goes in that intersection, BUT 3 are already counted, so place 2 in the outer part of the intersection of C and P
in the same way, place 1 in the outer part of A and P
in the same way , place 5 in the outer part of A and C
now each circle itself
A should have a total of 31, but I already have 9 counting in the A circle, leaving 22 in the unused part of A
C should have 34, but I already have 10 filled in, leaving 24 for the rest of circle C
P should have 25, but I already have 6 filled in, leaving 19 for the rest of circle P

Adding up all the numbers I see filled in, I get 76
so from the 100 students, 24 do not use any of the 3 methods.

To find out how many students used none of the mentioned means of transportation, we need to subtract the total number of students who used any method of transportation from the total number of students in the poll.

First, let's calculate the total number of students who used any method of transportation by summing up the number of students who used each method:

31 drove alone + 34 rode in a carpool + 25 rode public transportation + 5 used both carpool and public transportation + 8 used both carpool and their own cars + 4 used buses and their own cars + 3 used all methods

31 + 34 + 25 + 5 + 8 + 4 + 3 = 110

Next, we subtract this total from the total number of students polled:

Total students polled - Total students using any method = Number of students using none of the mentioned means of transportation

100 - 110 = -10

Since we can't have a negative number of students using none of the mentioned means of transportation, it means there has been some overlapping or duplication in the data provided. Please double-check the numbers provided in the poll.