Lupe, Rosa y Tomás son amigos. (bueno)

Is it supposed to be buen or buenos in the empty spot? I know that an adjective is supposed to be shorted before a noun-buen but how about for plural nouns?

I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.

The adjective is shortened to buen before a masculine singular noun - buen hombre, buen libro

Otherwise it has the same number (singular/plural) and gender (masculine/feminine) as the noun(s) modified. buenos amigos, buenas amigas, buena chica, etc.


Gracias, Senora!

de nada

There are other adjectives that work like bueno. They are uno, malo, primero, tercero, alguno, ninguno.


In this case, since "amigos" is a plural noun, you would use the shortened form "buenos" before it. The correct sentence would be:

"Lupe, Rosa y Tomás son buenos amigos."

To determine whether to use "buen" or "buenos," you need to consider the gender and number agreement between the adjective and the noun it modifies.

- If the noun is singular and masculine, you would use "buen" before it, for example: "un buen día" (a good day), "un buen chico" (a good boy).

- If the noun is plural and masculine, you would use "buenos" before it, for example: "unos buenos amigos" (some good friends), "unos buenos libros" (some good books).

- If the noun is singular and feminine, you would use "buena" before it, for example: "una buena idea" (a good idea), "una buena chica" (a good girl).

- If the noun is plural and feminine, you would use "buenas" before it, for example: "unas buenas amigas" (some good friends), "unas buenas películas" (some good movies).

Remember that in Spanish, adjectives must agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify.