12a - 11 = 9a - 1?

To solve for a, combine all terms with variables on the left side of the equation, and all constants on the right side of equation.

Note that when we transpose a term to the other side, its sign becomes the opposite:
12a - 11 = 9a - 1
12a - 9a = 11 - 1
3a = 10
To get a, divide everything by the numerical coefficient of a (or the number before the variable a, which is 3):
a = 10/3

I'm not Reiny but I hope you could trust my answer. Hope this helps~ :3

To determine if the equation 12a - 11 = 9a - 1 is true or false, we need to solve for the variable 'a'. Let's go through the steps:

Step 1: Collect like terms
On the left side of the equation, we have 12a and -11. On the right side, we have 9a and -1. To collect like terms, we subtract 9a from both sides of the equation.

12a - 9a - 11 = 9a - 9a - 1

This simplifies to:
3a - 11 = -1

Step 2: Isolate the variable 'a'
To isolate the variable 'a', we need to get rid of the constant term (-11) on the left side of the equation. We can achieve this by adding 11 to both sides.

3a - 11 + 11 = -1 + 11

Simplifying further:
3a = 10

Step 3: Solve for 'a'
To solve for 'a', we divide both sides of the equation by the coefficient of 'a', which is 3.

(3a)/3 = 10/3

a = 10/3

Therefore, the solution to the equation 12a - 11 = 9a - 1 is a = 10/3.