1). The absolute value of 2x + 4 = 0

A: -2

2). A volunteer at the zoo is responsible for feeding the animals in 15 exhibits in the reptile house. This represents 20% of the total exhibits in the reptile house. How many many exhibits are in the reptile house?

A: ?

3). Collette is a contestant on a game show. She can win a car if she can guess the price of the car within $725. The price of this is $16,785. Write and solve an absolute-value equation to find the values for the maximum price that Collette can guess to win the car.

A: ?

Can anyone assist me?

I must complete my schoolwork rather urgently.

1. correct

2. let x be the total number
.2x = 15
x = 15/.2 = 75

3. So she can guess within $725 ABOVE the 16785 and
within 725 BELOW the 16785
and that would be ......

3. I am confused.

I apologize, but can you see explain this further?

As an absolute value inequation I see it as

| x - 16725| ≤ 725

notice any number between 16060 and 17510 would work in the equation.
That is, you can't go under or over the 16725 by the amount of 725
Try some numbers beyond this boundary and you will see why

Is $17,550 the maximum price that Collette can guess to win the car?

Or is it $17,510?

my error, a typo, should be

| x - 16785| ≤ 725

so lowest eligible guess = 16785-725 = 16060
highest eligible guess = 16785 + 725 = 17510

Thank you.