A 120 lb. person would weigh about 20 lb. on the moon. A 150 lb. person would weigh 28 lb. on a lo, a moon of Jupiter. Use ratio tables to determine which moon would make a person weigh the most.

Jupiters moon would make you Weigh the most

To determine which moon would make a person weigh the most, we need to compare the weight of a 120 lb. person on the Moon and the weight of a 150 lb. person on a moon of Jupiter.

Let's create a ratio table for both scenarios:

On the Moon:
Weight (in lbs) | Weight ratio
120 | 20

On a moon of Jupiter:
Weight (in lbs) | Weight ratio
150 | 28

To find out which moon would make a person weigh the most, we can compare the weight ratios. The greater the weight ratio, the more a person would weigh on that moon.

Comparing the weight ratios, we can see that the weight ratio on a moon of Jupiter is greater (28) compared to the weight ratio on the Moon (20). Therefore, a person would weigh the most on a moon of Jupiter.

i don't know help me please

a 100 pound person

a 100 pound person would weigh 20 pounds on lo, a moon of jupiter. a person weighing 150 pounds would weigh 25 pounds on the moon. use ratio tables to determine which moon would make a person weigh the most

120/20 > 150/28