Is there more trade within the EU or between the EU and non-members countries? Explain?

A: There is more trade within the EU because ?

The EU countries don't charge their fellow members tariffs.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

To determine whether there is more trade within the EU or between the EU and non-member countries, we can analyze the available data on international trade. One way to find this information is through the statistical databases and reports provided by international organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) or the European Union's Eurostat.

To begin, you can visit the Eurostat website, which provides comprehensive data on trade within the European Union. On the Eurostat homepage, click on the "Data" tab and then select the "External trade" section. Here, you will find various subcategories related to trade statistics within the EU.

To compare trade within the EU and between the EU and non-member countries, you can analyze the "Intra-EU trade" and "Extra-EU trade" data available on the Eurostat website. Intra-EU trade refers to trade between EU member states, while Extra-EU trade refers to trade between EU member states and non-member countries.

By studying the available data and comparing the total value of trade within the EU with the total value of trade between the EU and non-member countries, it is possible to determine which category has more trade volume.

Additionally, it is worth noting that several other factors may influence the level of trade within the EU versus trade with non-member countries, such as geographical proximity, trade agreements, political relationships, and economic dependencies. Taking these factors into account can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the trade dynamics within the EU and with non-member countries.