In the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, an electron in the 2nd excited state moves at a speed of 5.48X10^5 m/s in a circular path having a radius of 2.12X10^-10 m. What is the effective current associated with this orbiting electron?

T= 2πR/v,


To calculate the effective current associated with the orbiting electron in the 2nd excited state of the hydrogen atom, you can use the formula for electric current:

I = q * v / t

I is the electric current,
q is the charge of the electron,
v is the speed of the electron,
and t is the time it takes for the electron to complete one orbit.

In the Bohr model, the time it takes for an electron to complete one orbit in a circular path is given by the equation:

t = (2 * π * r) / v

t is the time,
r is the radius of the circular path,
and v is the speed of the electron.

Let's calculate the time it takes for the electron to complete one orbit:

t = (2 * π * 2.12X10^-10 m) / (5.48X10^5 m/s)

t ≈ 2.424X10^-16 s

Now, let's calculate the effective current:

I = q * v / t

The charge of the electron, q, is approximately 1.6X10^-19 C.

I = (1.6X10^-19 C) * (5.48X10^5 m/s) / (2.424X10^-16 s)

I ≈ 3.61X10^-11 A

Therefore, the effective current associated with the orbiting electron in the 2nd excited state of the hydrogen atom is approximately 3.61X10^-11 Amperes.

To find the effective current associated with the orbiting electron in the Bohr model, we need to use the formula for the current in a circular path, which is given by:

I = q * v / (2πr),

where I is the current, q is the charge, v is the velocity, and r is the radius of the circular path.

In this case, we are dealing with the hydrogen atom, where the charge of the electron is given by the elementary charge, e = 1.6x10^-19 C.

Substituting the values into the formula, we have:

I = (1.6x10^-19 C) * (5.48x10^5 m/s) / (2π * 2.12x10^-10 m).

Now, let's calculate this value:

I = (1.6x10^-19 C) * (5.48x10^5 m/s) / (2π * 2.12x10^-10 m).

Using a calculator, we find that:

I ≈ 2.44x10^5 A.

Therefore, the effective current associated with this orbiting electron in the Bohr model is approximately 2.44x10^5 Amperes.