Dtermine the value of K such that -2 is cone root of the equation 2x^3+(K+1)x^2=4-x^2

I tried it a couple of times and I keep getting the wrong answer. The answer is K=3.

If x = -2 is a root, then

2(-2)^3 + (k+1)(-2)^2 = 4 - (-2)^2
-16 + (k+1)(4) = 4 - 4
4(k+1) = 16
k+1 = 4
k = 3

the most likely error you made probably is in the
(-2)^3 = -8
- (-2)^2
= -(4)
= -4

To determine the value of K such that -2 is a root of the equation 2x^3 + (K+1)x^2 = 4 - x^2, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Plug -2 into the equation.

Replace each occurrence of x in the equation with -2:
2(-2)^3 + (K+1)(-2)^2 = 4 - (-2)^2

Simplifying, we get:
2(-8) + (K+1)(4) = 4 - 4

-16 + 4K + 4 = 0

Step 2: Simplify the equation.

Combining like terms, we have:
4K - 12 = 0

Step 3: Isolate K.

Adding 12 to both sides, we get:
4K = 12

Dividing both sides by 4, we find:
K = 3

Therefore, the value of K that satisfies the given equation is K = 3, as you mentioned.

To determine the value of K such that -2 is a root of the equation 2x^3 + (K + 1)x^2 = 4 - x^2, we need to use the fact that if -2 is a root, then substituting x = -2 into the equation should make the equation true.

Let's start by substituting x = -2 into the equation:

2(-2)^3 + (K + 1)(-2)^2 = 4 - (-2)^2

Simplifying this expression, we get:

2(-8) + (K + 1)(4) = 4 - 4

-16 + 4K + 4 = 0

Combine like terms:

4K - 12 = 0

Add 12 to both sides:

4K = 12

Divide both sides by 4:

K = 3

So, the value of K that makes -2 a root of the equation is K = 3.

If you got a different answer when you solved it, there may have been an error in your calculations. Make sure to double-check your arithmetic.