
Already answered.


It was not -2w it was 2w


2w - 3 + 3w - 12 - 5w + 30 = 30

To simplify the expression 2w - 3 + 3(w - 4) - 5(w - 6), you can follow the order of operations, which is often remembered as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication/Division, Addition/Subtraction).

1. Start with the parentheses:
- Distribute the 3 into (w - 4): 3 * w = 3w, and 3 * -4 = -12.
- Distribute the -5 into (w - 6): -5 * w = -5w, and -5 * -6 = 30.

The expression becomes:
2w - 3 + 3w - 12 - 5w + 30

2. Next, combine like terms:
Combine the terms with the same variable.
2w + 3w - 5w = 0w (since 2w + 3w - 5w = 0w)
0w - 5w = -5w

The expression simplifies to:
-5w - 3 - 12 + 30

3. Finally, perform the remaining additions/subtractions:
-5w - 3 - 12 + 30 = -5w + 15

So, the simplified expression is -5w + 15.