Tall Buildings You made a model of the Space Needle in Seattle, Washington, for a report on architecture in the United States. You used a scale of 1 in.:50 ft. Your model is 12.1 inches tall. Estimate the actual height of the Space Needle.

Is it 605

To estimate the actual height of the Space Needle, we can use the scale of 1 in.: 50 ft. This means that every 1 inch in the model represents 50 feet in real life.

Given that your model is 12.1 inches tall, we can calculate the estimated actual height of the Space Needle by multiplying the height of your model by the scale:

12.1 inches * 50 feet/inch = 605 feet

Therefore, the estimated actual height of the Space Needle is 605 feet.

To estimate the actual height of the Space Needle based on your model, you first need to understand the scale you used. The scale of 1 in.:50 ft. means that every 1 inch on your model represents 50 feet in real life.

Next, you need to determine the scale height of the Space Needle in your model. You mentioned that your model is 12.1 inches tall.

To find the actual height, you can set up a proportion:

1 inch on your model / 50 feet in real life = 12.1 inches on your model / x feet in real life

To solve for x (the actual height of the Space Needle), you can cross-multiply and solve for x:

1 * x = 50 * 12.1
x = 50 * 12.1
x = 605

Therefore, the estimated actual height of the Space Needle is 605 feet.

Right, although an estimate would probably be 600 feet.