1.The average number of acts of physical violence in a random sample of 150 TV movies was 4.5 acts with a standard deviation of 0.75. At the 95% confidence interval level, what is your estimation of the mean range of all movies shown in the television? Explain the result in one sentence.

95% = mean ± 1.96 SD

Insert values and calculate.

To estimate the mean range of all movies shown on television at a 95% confidence interval level, we can use the formula for confidence interval calculation:

Confidence Interval = Mean ± (Z * (Standard Deviation / √Sample Size))

First, we need to find the value of Z for a 95% confidence interval. We can refer to the standard normal distribution table or use a statistical software to find the corresponding Z-value, which is approximately 1.96.

Now, let's plug in the values into the formula:

Confidence Interval = 4.5 ± (1.96 * (0.75 / √150))

Calculating the value inside the parentheses first, we get:

(0.75 / √150) ≈ 0.061

Then, multiplying that by 1.96, we get:

1.96 * 0.061 ≈ 0.1196

Finally, we can calculate the confidence interval:

Confidence Interval ≈ 4.5 ± 0.1196

This means that we estimate the mean range of all movies shown on television is between approximately 4.38 and 4.62 acts of physical violence at a 95% confidence interval level.