During periods of physical development, the __________ of a sensation is critical if perception is to function normally. A. experience B. interpretation C. expectation D. mass function

Of course, experience.

I disagree. Perception is defined as the interpretation of a sensation.

Go with Professor Daves answer. I am stuck with Skinner.

A was right on my test

During periods of physical development, the interpretation of a sensation is critical if perception is to function normally. Therefore, the correct answer is B. interpretation.

To arrive at this answer, it is important to understand the terms in the question and their relevance to physical development and perception.

Physical development refers to the changes that occur in an individual's body as they grow and mature. This can include changes such as growth in height, weight, muscle development, and changes in sensory systems.

Sensation refers to the process of receiving information from our sensory organs, such as our eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin. It is the initial detection and encoding of sensory stimuli.

Perception, on the other hand, is the process of organizing and interpreting sensory information. It involves making sense of the sensations received and giving meaning to them. Perception allows us to recognize and understand objects, people, and events based on the sensory information we receive.

In the context of the question, the term critical suggests that there is a crucial factor or process that influences perception during periods of physical development.

Out of the given options, A. experience, C. expectation, and D. mass function do not specifically relate to the interpretation of sensations. While they can play a role in perception, they are not directly related to the initial processing and understanding of sensory information.

However, B. interpretation aligns with the concept of making sense of sensory information and giving it meaning. Therefore, the interpretation of a sensation is critical during periods of physical development for perception to function normally.