A scientist goes to a large international conference and hears about a new discovery. The scientist is very excited about these new findings and decides to verify the other scientists’ results by conducting her own investigations. The scientist is being open-minded but _____________.


A scientist observes chimps put dry leaves into a hole in the tree. The leaves come out wet and the chimps lick the water off of the leaves. The scientist reasons that there is water inside the tree. The reasoning is called a(n) ______________.


Contact lenses improve lives. Contact lenses are an example of a(n) _____________________.


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What is it? I’m confused

A scientist's experimental result is called ____________ if it can be observed repeatedly under the same conditions.


A scientist goes to a large international conference and hears about a new discovery. The scientist is very excited about these new findings and decides to verify the other scientists' results by conducting her own investigations. The scientist is being open-minded but __skeptical__.

To answer this question, we can start by understanding the meaning of the word "skeptical." Being skeptical means having an attitude of doubt or disbelief and questioning the claims or evidence presented. In the given scenario, the scientist is excited about the new findings, which shows enthusiasm and openness to the possibility of the discovery being valid. However, the scientist also wants to verify the results independently, indicating a skeptical approach of testing and critically evaluating the findings. This combination of excitement and the need to investigate further demonstrates an open-minded yet skeptical mindset.

A scientist observes chimps put dry leaves into a hole in the tree. The leaves come out wet, and the chimps lick the water off of the leaves. The scientist reasons that there is water inside the tree. The reasoning is called a(n) __inductive__.

To understand the term "inductive" reasoning, we need to discuss two main types of reasoning: deductive and inductive. Deductive reasoning involves drawing specific conclusions based on general principles or premises. It follows a logical structure where the conclusion is guaranteed to be true if the premises are true. On the other hand, inductive reasoning involves generalizing or making conclusions based on specific observations or evidence. While inductive reasoning does not provide certainty like deductive reasoning, it supports the likelihood or probability of a conclusion.

In the given scenario, the scientist observes chimps putting dry leaves into a hole in a tree, and the leaves coming out wet. Based on this specific observation, the scientist reasons that there is water inside the tree. This reasoning is an example of inductive reasoning since the conclusion about the presence of water inside the tree is based on specific observations made on multiple occasions. The scientist is inferring the general idea that there is water in the tree based on these observations, but it does not provide a definitive guarantee.

Contact lenses improve lives. Contact lenses are an example of a(n) __technology__.

To answer this question, we need to understand the definition of the term "technology." Technology refers to the application of scientific knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to create solutions or advancements that improve human life, enhance productivity, or fulfill specific needs. It includes a wide range of inventions, devices, or processes developed to address various challenges or improve different aspects of life.

In this case, contact lenses are specifically mentioned as an example. Contact lenses are thin, curved lenses placed directly on the eye's surface to correct vision or for cosmetic purposes. They are designed using advanced materials and manufacturing techniques, which allow people with vision issues to have an alternative to traditional eyeglasses. Contact lenses, as a technological innovation, have greatly improved the quality of life for many individuals by providing clearer vision, better comfort, and more flexibility compared to traditional eyeglasses. Therefore, contact lenses are an example of technology.