Write the sentence as a proportion. Then solve the proportion

* d is to 4 as 32 is to 56


d/4 = 32/56

Multiply both sides by 4.

d = (4*32)/56

Finish calculations.

The sentence "d is to 4 as 32 is to 56" can be written as a proportion:

d/4 = 32/56

To solve this proportion, cross multiply:

d * 56 = 4 * 32

d * 56 = 128

To isolate the variable d, divide both sides of the equation by 56:

d = 128/56

Simplifying the division:

d = 2.2857

To write the sentence as a proportion, we need to set up an equation with two ratios. We can write it as:

d/4 = 32/56

To solve the proportion, we can cross-multiply and then solve for the variable:

d * 56 = 4 * 32

56d = 128

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 56 to isolate the variable:

d = 128/56

Simplifying the right side of the equation:

d = 2.2857 (rounded to four decimal places)

Therefore, the solution to the proportion is d = 2.2857.