If Joe rides south on his bicycle in a straight line for 29 min with an average speed of 14.8 km/h, how far has he ridden?

Answer in units of km

To find the distance Joe has ridden, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

In this case, Joe's average speed is 14.8 km/h and he rides for 29 minutes. However, it's important to note that we need to convert the time to hours to match the speed unit.

29 minutes is 29/60 = 0.48 hours.

Now we can calculate the distance:

Distance = 14.8 km/h × 0.48 hours

Distance = 7.104 km

Therefore, Joe has ridden approximately 7.104 km.

To find the distance Joe has ridden, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed * Time

We are given that Joe rides for 29 minutes with an average speed of 14.8 km/h. However, the time is in minutes and the speed is in kilometers per hour, so we need to convert the time to hours.

To convert minutes to hours, we divide the number of minutes by 60:

29 minutes / 60 = 0.48 hours

Now we can calculate the distance:

Distance = 14.8 km/h * 0.48 hours

Distance = 7.104 km

Therefore, Joe has ridden approximately 7.104 km.