X over X+3 subtract X over X-3 = X^2 + 9 over X^2 -9

solve for x. show all work thank you

To solve the equation (X/X+3) - (X/X-3) = (X^2 + 9)/(X^2 -9) for x, we need to find a common denominator and simplify the expression on both sides of the equation.

Let's go through the steps:

Step 1: Determine the common denominator:

The denominators are (X+3) and (X-3). The common denominator will be the product of these two denominators: (X+3)(X-3).

Step 2: Rewrite the equation with the common denominator:

[(X)(X-3)/(X+3)(X-3)] - [(X)(X+3)/(X+3)(X-3)] = (X^2 + 9)/(X^2 -9)

Step 3: Simplify the numerators:

[X(X-3) - X(X+3)] / (X+3)(X-3) = (X^2 + 9)/(X^2 -9)

Simplifying the numerators, we get:

[X^2 - 3X - (X^2 + 3X)] / (X+3)(X-3) = (X^2 + 9)/(X^2 -9)

Combining like terms in the numerator:

[X^2 - 3X - X^2 - 3X] / (X+3)(X-3) = (X^2 + 9)/(X^2 -9)

Simplifying further, we have:

[-6X] / (X+3)(X-3) = (X^2 + 9)/(X^2 -9)

Step 4: Cross-multiply:

Multiply both sides of the equation by (X+3)(X-3) to eliminate the denominator:

[-6X] = (X^2 + 9)(X+3)(X-3)/(X^2 -9)

Step 5: Simplify the right side:

Using the identity (a^2 - b^2) = (a + b)(a - b), we can simplify the right side further:

[-6X] = [(X^2 + 9)(X+3)(X-3)] / [(X+3)(X-3)]

Canceling out the common factors:

[-6X] = (X^2 + 9)

Step 6: Move all terms to one side:

Bring all the terms to the left side of the equation:

[-6X] - (X^2 + 9) = 0

Step 7: Simplify and combine like terms:

Combine the terms:

-X^2 - 6X - 9 = 0

Step 8: Solve the quadratic equation:

To solve this equation, we can use factoring, completing the square, or the quadratic formula. In this case, let's use factoring.

Factor the quadratic equation:

-(X^2 + 6X + 9) = 0

-(X + 3)^2 = 0

Now, set each factor equal to zero:

X + 3 = 0

Solving for X, we get:

X = -3

Therefore, the solution to the given equation is X = -3.