What type of context clue is provided for the italicized word in the sentence below?

when you are PRONE to something, you are likely to act or be a certain way.

a) direct definition
b) visual clue
c) explanatory word or phrase
d) antonym

100% :

1. Nervously
2. Boiling
3. When they want to play
4. Abigail meekly waited to sign up for the talent show in her community, despite her fear of an audience.

hope dis helps :)

Is that right @connexus boy 2021

Yea he is right I got a 100% 💯

Which type of contact clue is used for italicized word

What’s the answer

He is right!

I think it’s nervously,

Boiling, when they want to play, and the one that says Abigail. I hope these are the right answers they make the most sense to me :-:

Which sentence contains context clues that would help a reader determine the meaning of the italicized word?(1 point)

]1. Nervously
2. Boiling
3. When they want to play
4. Abigail meekly waited to sign up for the talent show in her community, despite her fear of an audience. Conexus boy is correct

The italicized word in the sentence, "when you are PRONE to something, you are likely to act or be a certain way," can be determined through an explanatory word or phrase.

I'll gladly check your answer.