1. A description of life in 17th century ENgland according to a member of the roundheads.

2. The roundheads views on civil rights.

Thanks! :)

1. To get a description of life in 17th century England according to a member of the Roundheads, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Search for primary sources from the 17th century.
Look for diaries, letters, or other written accounts by Roundheads or individuals who supported their cause. These primary sources will provide firsthand descriptions of life during that time.

Step 2: Refer to historical books or websites.
Books or websites that focus on the English Civil War and the Roundheads can provide insights into life during the 17th century. Look for authors who specialize in this era, as they often include details from primary sources and research from other historians.

Step 3: Analyze the perspective of the source.
When reading or analyzing primary sources, consider the perspective of the author. Roundheads were supporters of the Parliament during the English Civil War, which was a time of great political and social change. Keep this in mind as you examine their descriptions of life, as it may reflect their political beliefs or experiences.

2. To understand the Roundheads' views on civil rights, you can take the following steps:

Step 1: Learn about the Roundheads' political ideology.
The Roundheads were supporters of Parliament and advocated for the protection of civil liberties. Read about their political beliefs and objectives during the English Civil War, including their opposition to the absolute power of the monarchy and their fight for representative government and individual rights.

Step 2: Study primary sources and historical analysis.
Look for primary sources such as speeches, pamphlets, and letters written by Roundhead leaders, such as Oliver Cromwell. These texts will provide direct insights into their views on civil rights. Additionally, consult reliable historical analyses and scholarly works that discuss the political ideology and objectives of the Roundheads.

Step 3: Understand the context of the time period.
To fully grasp the Roundheads' views on civil rights, it is crucial to understand the socio-political context of 17th century England. The English Civil War was a conflict between Parliament and the monarchy, and both sides had different perspectives on the balance of power and individual rights. Consider the broader historical context to gain a comprehensive understanding of the Roundheads' stance on civil rights.