V=1/3ah, V=21,h=3, solve

Since we're given the values of V and h, we'll solve for a:

V = (1/3)ah
3V = ah
3V/h = a
a = 3V/h
a = 3*21 / 3
a = 21

hope this helps :3

Thanx Jai...

To solve the equation V = (1/3)ah, given that V = 21 and h = 3, you can substitute these values into the equation and solve for a.

Let's substitute the known values into the equation:
V = (1/3)ah
21 = (1/3)a(3)

Now, simplify the equation:
21 = a

Therefore, the value of a is 21.

So, the solution to the equation V = (1/3)ah, given V = 21 and h = 3, is a = 21.