last question

1/2[4x+6x(2+2x)]= ?

= 1/2 (4x +12x +12x^2)

= 1/2 ( 16x + 12x^2 )
= 8x + 6x^2

is it correct answer ?


thank you, Reiny

To solve the given expression, you need to simplify the terms and apply the order of operations (PEMDAS). Here's how you can proceed:

1. Start by simplifying the expression within the parentheses.

Within the parentheses, you have 2x + 2x^2. To simplify this, multiply 6x by (2 + 2x):

6x(2 + 2x) = 12x + 12x^2

2. Now, substitute this simplified expression back into the main equation.

1/2[4x + 6x(2 + 2x)] = 1/2[4x + 12x + 12x^2]

3. Distribute the terms inside the brackets.

4x + 12x + 12x^2 = 4x + 12x + 12x^2

4. Combine like terms.

The like terms in the above equation are 4x and 12x, so combine them:

4x + 12x = 16x

The simplified expression becomes:

1/2[4x + 6x(2 + 2x)] = 16x + 12x^2

Therefore, the answer to the given expression is 16x + 12x^2.