Abstract words present qualities or ideas that cannot be felt by the senses. They are often general words, as opposed to concrete words which express something more tangible. Truth, honor and happiness are all abstract words, while aroma, stone and fire are concrete words.

Explain how Lautens has used both concrete and abstract details in the essay. Referring to examples from the essay, describe the effects these details create.

The story is on the internet story: A Thankless Experience by Stephen Lautens jiskha does not allow to post the url.

Thanks for the help :)

To answer this question, you would need to analyze the essay "A Thankless Experience" by Stephen Lautens and identify instances where the author uses both concrete and abstract details. Here's a general approach to help you answer the question:

1. Read and analyze the essay: Begin by reading the essay carefully, paying attention to the specific details mentioned by the author. Take note of any concrete and abstract words or phrases used throughout the essay.

2. Identify concrete details: Concrete details refer to specific objects or things that can be perceived through the senses. Look for instances in the essay where Lautens describes tangible elements, such as physical objects, actions, or sensory experiences. For example, if the essay describes a specific event, location, or interaction, those would be concrete details.

3. Identify abstract details: Abstract details refer to qualities, thoughts, or ideas that cannot be directly perceived by the senses. Look for instances in the essay where Lautens discusses concepts, emotions, beliefs, or ideals. Abstract details often convey a more subjective or intangible aspect of the topic being discussed.

4. Analyze the effects of concrete details: Once you have identified concrete details in the essay, consider how they contribute to the overall impact or message of the piece. Concrete details can help create a vivid, tangible experience for the reader. They can make the writing more relatable or allow the reader to visualize specific scenes or events. Consider how specific objects, actions, or sensory descriptions contribute to the essay's tone, mood, or theme.

5. Analyze the effects of abstract details: Similarly, examine how the abstract details in the essay contribute to the overall impact on the reader. Abstract details can help convey deeper meanings, emotions, or ideas. They can engage the reader's imagination or provoke critical thinking. Consider how concepts, emotions, or ideals discussed by Lautens contribute to the essay's main message or argument.

6. Compile examples and analyze their effects: Once you have identified specific instances of concrete and abstract details, gather specific examples from the essay to support your analysis. Quote or paraphrase these examples and demonstrate how they contribute to the overall effects mentioned in steps 4 and 5.

By following these steps, you will be able to provide a detailed response to how Lautens used both concrete and abstract details in the essay "A Thankless Experience" and explain the effects created by those details.