which of the following makes for the best study break ?

a) watching a movie
b) playing
c) a ten minute walk
d) calling your best friend

To determine the best study break option, it ultimately depends on the individual's preferences and needs. However, I can provide some guidance on how to make an informed decision.

1. Consider the Level of Mental Engagement: If you have been studying intensively and feel mentally drained, options a) watching a movie or b) playing a game could help you relax and recharge. Engaging in something that requires less mental effort can be refreshing.

2. Physical Activity: Taking breaks to engage in physical activities, such as option c) a ten-minute walk, can be extremely beneficial for both your mind and body. A short walk can help clear your head, increase blood circulation, and improve focus when you return to studying.

3. Social Interaction: Option d) calling your best friend can provide a break from the solitude of studying and allow for social interaction. Connecting with others can help alleviate stress and give you a mental boost.

Ultimately, the best study break will depend on your personal preferences, study style, and current needs. Exploring different options and experimenting with what works best for you is key. Remember to create a balanced study-break routine that incorporates a mix of relaxation, physical activity, and social interaction to maximize productivity and well-being.