The following remarks were heard in a French restaurant. Complete them with the appropriate definite, indefinite, or partitive article.

1. Est ce que vous prenez______ vin ou ______ avec votre repas?

2. J'aime beaucoup ______ poisson. Je vais commander ______ sole!

3.Est-ce qu'il ______ mayonnaise dans ______ salade?

My answers:
1. du, de la
2. le, de la
3. la, la

I'll send this to our French expert, SraJMcGin.

Did you have an example or just those instructions?

1. I agree with du vin but I have no idea what is required in the 2nd blank...
Will you have some wine or ????? with your mean. le vin? I certainly would NOT use "de la" with vin!

2. agreed

3. agreed, although it could be "some mayonaisse" = de la

Sra (aka Mme)

Your answers are mostly correct. Here is the breakdown with the appropriate articles:

1. Est-ce que vous prenez **du** vin ou **de l'**eau avec votre repas? (The correct articles are 'du' for wine and 'de l'' for water.)

2. J'aime beaucoup **le** poisson. Je vais commander **une** sole! (The correct articles are 'le' for fish and 'une' for sole.)

3. Est-ce qu'il y a **de la** mayonnaise dans **la** salade? (The correct article is 'de la' for mayonnaise and 'la' for salad.)

Good job on getting most of them right! Keep practicing to improve your French skills.