A cab charges $1.75 for the first mile and $0.25 for each additional mile. Write and solve an inequality to determine how many miles Eddie can travel if he has $15 to spend

you guys did not help me at all. you suck

You guys did not help me I though the answer was right yall got me a D

To determine how many miles Eddie can travel if he has $15 to spend, we need to create an inequality based on the given cab charges.

Let's denote the number of miles Eddie can travel as "m".

The cab charges $1.75 for the first mile, so Eddie will spend $1.75 for the first mile.

For each additional mile (m - 1), the cab charges $0.25. Therefore, Eddie will spend $0.25 multiplied by (m - 1) for each additional mile.

The total amount Eddie spends for the entire trip can be represented as:
1.75 + 0.25(m - 1)

We want to find the maximum value of "m" that satisfies the condition that Eddie has $15 to spend.

So, the inequality becomes:
1.75 + 0.25(m - 1) ≤ 15

Now, we can solve the inequality to find the maximum value of "m".

1.75 + 0.25(m - 1) ≤ 15
1.75 + 0.25m - 0.25 ≤ 15
1.75 + 0.25m ≤ 15 + 0.25
0.25m ≤ 15 - 1.75 + 0.25
0.25m ≤ 13.5

To solve for "m", we divide both sides of the inequality by 0.25:
m ≤ 13.5 / 0.25
m ≤ 54

Therefore, Eddie can travel up to 54 miles if he has $15 to spend.

$0.25+$1.75x>$15;x>8 miles

1.75 + 0.25x <= 15

0.25x <= 13.25

x <= 53

$0.25 + $1.75x ≥ $15; x ≥ 8 miles