5. Raul works 2 hours a day after school, Monday through Friday. On Saturdays he works 8 hours at $2 more per hour than on weekdays. If he makes $142 per week, how much does he make per hour on weekdays.

(5*2)x + 8(x+2) = 142

Solve for x.


To find out how much Raul makes per hour on weekdays, we will first calculate his total earnings from weekdays and then divide it by the total number of hours he works on those days.

Raul works 2 hours a day from Monday through Friday, which gives us a total of 2 * 5 = 10 hours worked on weekdays.

Let's assume he makes x dollars per hour on weekdays.

So, his earnings from weekdays can be calculated as 10 * x = 10x dollars.

On Saturdays, he works 8 hours and makes $2 more per hour than on weekdays. This means he makes x + $2 dollars per hour on Saturdays.

His earnings from Saturdays can be calculated as 8 * (x + $2) = 8x + 16 dollars.

Now, to calculate his total earnings for the whole week, we sum up his earnings from weekdays and Saturdays and set it equal to $142:

10x + 8x + 16 = 142

Combining like terms gives us:

18x + 16 = 142

Subtracting 16 from both sides:

18x = 126

Dividing both sides by 18:

x = 126 / 18

Simplifying, we find that x = 7.

Therefore, Raul makes $7 per hour on weekdays.