a group of friends went on a hiking trip. they planned to hike a total of 38 miles. they want to complete 25% of the hike by the end of the first day.

What is your question?

It will be 5/20

In order to determine how many miles the group of friends needs to hike by the end of the first day, we can use the information that they want to complete 25% of the total hike by the end of the day.

To find 25% of 38 miles, you can multiply the total distance by 0.25 (since 25% is equivalent to 0.25 as a decimal).

Mathematically, it would be: 38 miles x 0.25 = 9.5 miles.

Therefore, the group of friends needs to complete approximately 9.5 miles by the end of the first day of their hiking trip.