Stefany ran 2 miles each day for 14 days. How many miles did she run in 14 days? Explain two different ways to solve this problen, and then solve

Need he with answer

a ship is 24 miles east of port. how far north must the ship travel to reach a point that is 25 miles from port?

To answer this question, we can approach it using two different methods:

Method 1: Multiplication
One way to solve this problem is by using multiplication. We know that Stefany runs 2 miles each day for 14 days. To find out how many miles she ran in 14 days, we can multiply the number of miles she runs each day (2 miles) by the number of days (14 days).
2 miles/day x 14 days = 28 miles
Therefore, Stefany ran a total of 28 miles in 14 days.

Method 2: Addition
Another way to solve this problem is by using addition. Since Stefany ran 2 miles each day for 14 days, we can add up the number of miles she ran each day to find the total number of miles.
Day 1: 2 miles
Day 2: 2 miles
Day 3: 2 miles
Day 14: 2 miles
To find the total number of miles, we can add these 14 days together:
2 + 2 + 2 + ... + 2 (14 times) = 28 miles
Again, we find that Stefany ran a total of 28 miles in 14 days.

Therefore, both methods give us the same answer of 28 miles for the distance Stefany ran in 14 days.

2 * 14 = ?

2/1 = x/14