Assume that the population of India is 120 million. If 40.25% of the population has

height below 5 ft. and 30.76% of the population has height between 5 and 5.5 ft. Find
how many people have height greater than 5.5 ft., rounding off your result to 2 decimal places

1.0 - (0.4025 + 0.3076) = ?

Multiply your answer by 120,000,000.


To find the number of people with height greater than 5.5 ft, we first need to find the percentage of the population falling into this category.

Let's calculate the percentage of the population falling into the two categories we already know:

1. Category 1: Height below 5 ft = 40.25%
2. Category 2: Height between 5 and 5.5 ft = 30.76%

To find the percentage of people with height greater than 5.5 ft, we subtract the sum of Category 1 and Category 2 from 100%.

Percentage for Category 3 (Height above 5.5 ft) = 100% - (40.25% + 30.76%)

Now, let's calculate this percentage:

Percentage for Category 3 = 100% - (40.25% + 30.76%)
= 100% - 71.01%
= 28.99%

Now, to find the number of people falling into Category 3, we multiply the population of India by this percentage.

Number of people with height greater than 5.5 ft = 28.99% of 120 million

Calculating the result:
Number of people with height greater than 5.5 ft = (28.99/100) * 120 million
= 34.7692 million

Rounding off to 2 decimal places, we get:
Number of people with height greater than 5.5 ft ≈ 34.77 million

Therefore, approximately 34.77 million people in India have a height greater than 5.5 ft.