In the ways of developing the ways of calculating time, astronomers divided an hour into 60 minutes. Why is 60 a better choice 59 or 61?

The choice of dividing an hour into 60 minutes was not arbitrary; it has a historical basis dating back thousands of years. The Babylonians, an ancient civilization, used a base-60 number system known as the sexagesimal system. This system had advantages that made it particularly suitable for timekeeping purposes, leading to its adoption in various cultures throughout history.

The number 60 has several convenient factors, meaning it can be divided evenly by many different numbers. This property allows for simpler and more flexible calculations when dealing with fractions of an hour. For example, 60 can be divided evenly by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, and 30. This facilitates the division of time into smaller units, such as minutes and seconds, without dealing with complicated decimal fractions.

Additionally, the number 60 lends itself well to dividing a circle into smaller increments. A full circle is divided into 360 degrees, with each degree further divided into 60 minutes and each minute divided into 60 seconds. This system of angular division, known as the sexagesimal system, aligns neatly with the division of time. It allows for seamless conversions between time and angles, which is beneficial for various astronomical and navigational calculations.

In conclusion, the choice of dividing an hour into 60 minutes is primarily due to historical reasons and the convenience provided by the number 60 in terms of factors and its compatibility with angular measurements.