Neptunium-239 has a half-life of 2.35 days. How many days must elapse for a sample of 239Np to decay to 0.100% of its original quantity

The half life equation is:

N(t)/N(0) = (1/2)^(t/2.35)

Solve for t when: N(t)/N(0) = 0.00100

I need the same help with this question and I'm at uiw too

23.4 days

To determine the number of days required for a sample of Neptunium-239 (239Np) to decay to 0.100% of its original quantity, we need to use the concept of half-life.

The half-life of a radioactive substance is the amount of time it takes for half of the original quantity to decay. In this case, the half-life of 239Np is given as 2.35 days.

To solve this problem, we can use the following equation:

N(t) = N0 * (1/2)^(t / T)

N(t) = final quantity of the substance
N0 = initial quantity of the substance
t = time elapsed
T = half-life of the substance

We need to find the time (t) when the final quantity (N(t)) is equal to 0.100% (0.001) of the initial quantity (N0).

0.001 = N0 * (1/2)^(t / 2.35)

Now, let's solve for t:

(1/2)^(t / 2.35) = 0.001 / N0

Taking the logarithm on both sides:

log10((1/2)^(t / 2.35)) = log10(0.001 / N0)

Using the logarithmic identity, log(a^b) = b * log(a):

(t / 2.35) * log10(1/2) = log10(0.001 / N0)

(t / 2.35) * (-0.301) = log10(0.001 / N0)

Simplifying further:

t = (2.35 * log10(0.001 / N0)) / (-0.301)

Now, plug in the value for N0, which is 100% or 1, into the equation:

t = (2.35 * log10(0.001)) / (-0.301)

Using a calculator, we can find:
log10(0.001) ≈ -3

t = (2.35 * -3) / (-0.301)
t ≈ 23.42 days

Therefore, it would take approximately 23.42 days for a sample of 239Np to decay to 0.100% of its original quantity.