You are shopping for an executive desk chair at the furniture Gallery. You see two you like on sale Chair A was originally $119.99 now on sale for $ 79.99 and chairB

Yes? What is your question? What do you think you need to do to answer the question?

To make an informed decision, it is important to consider various factors before choosing an executive desk chair. Here are some steps to help you decide between Chair A and Chair B:

1. Look at the features of Chair A and Chair B:
- Consider the ergonomics of each chair, including adjustable height, lumbar support, and armrests.
- Check for a reclining feature and whether it has a tilt mechanism.
- Examine the upholstery material and its durability.
- Look at the weight capacity of each chair to ensure it can support your weight.

2. Assess the design and style of the chairs:
- Determine if the design matches your office decor and personal preferences.
- Consider the size and dimensions of each chair to ensure it will fit in your workspace.
- Evaluate the color options and choose one that matches your office aesthetic.

3. Read customer reviews and ratings:
- Look for online customer reviews or testimonials for both Chair A and Chair B.
- Pay attention to specific feedback regarding comfort, durability, and overall satisfaction.
- Consider the number and average rating of the reviews to gauge product popularity.

4. Compare the prices:
- Take note of the original price and the sale price of each chair.
- Calculate the percentage discount for better comparison (original price - sale price / original price x 100).
- Consider the value for money by comparing the features, quality, and design against the price.

5. Visit the furniture Gallery:
- If possible, visit the store to physically test both chairs.
- Sit in each chair and evaluate its comfort and adjustability.
- Consider any specific preferences or comfort requirements that you have.

6. Make a decision based on your evaluation:
- Consider all the factors mentioned above: features, design, customer reviews, price, and personal experience.
- Choose the chair that best meets your requirements, preferences, and budget.

By following these steps, you should be able to make an informed decision and find the executive desk chair that suits your needs.

To find out the price of Chair B, you need to provide me with the information that is missing in your question. Could you please let me know the original price of Chair B?