How do problem solving using model addition and subtraction

To solve problems using model addition and subtraction, you can follow these steps:

1. Read and understand the problem: Carefully read the problem to fully comprehend what is being asked.

2. Identify the key information: Determine the facts and numbers given in the problem that are relevant to the addition and subtraction model.

3. Determine the unknown: Identify what is being asked or what needs to be solved for in the problem. This will help you determine whether you need to use addition or subtraction.

4. Create a model: Visualize the problem by creating a model. You can use different types of models, such as diagrams, number lines, or objects, to represent the problem.

5. Use addition or subtraction: Based on the model you created, decide whether to use addition or subtraction to find the solution.

- Addition: If you have multiple quantities that need to be combined, use addition to find the total sum. Add the relevant numbers together to get the result.

- Subtraction: If you have a whole quantity from which you need to subtract a part, use subtraction. Subtract the relevant number from the whole to find the remaining quantity.

6. Solve the equation: Write out the equation based on the model and the chosen operation, and solve it to find the solution.

7. Check your answer: After finding the solution, review the problem and double-check if your answer makes sense.

Remember, practice is crucial for improving your problem-solving skills. Work through various addition and subtraction problems to strengthen your understanding and proficiency.