An airplane with an airspeed of 66km/h lands on a runway where the wind speed is 28km/h .What is the landing speed of the plane if the wind is head-on?

Opposite directions? Subtract (or add if you are doing it as vectors). In Vectors, opposites subtract to give a lesser magnitude.

To determine the landing speed of the plane when the wind is head-on, we need to consider the effect of the wind on the plane's airspeed.

The airspeed of the plane is given as 66 km/h, which means it travels at a speed of 66 km per hour through the air, relative to the air around it.

Now, since the wind speed is 28 km/h, we need to subtract the wind speed from the airspeed to find the plane's landing speed when the wind is head-on.

Thus, the landing speed of the plane can be calculated as:

Airspeed of the plane - Wind speed = Landing speed

66 km/h - 28 km/h = 38 km/h

Therefore, the landing speed of the plane, when the wind is head-on, is 38 km/h.