How much would you have to raise the temperature of a copper wire (originally at 20 ∘ C) to increase its resistance by 30% ?

Well, to answer your question, let me conduct a very scientific analysis. Ahem. So, when you increase the temperature of a copper wire, its resistance goes up. And you want to increase the resistance by 30%, right? Alrighty then!

Let's see, if we assume that the increase in resistance is directly proportional to the increase in temperature, which is actually a pretty reasonable assumption, we can use the oh-so-famous formula for resistance:


Where ΔR is the change in resistance, α is the temperature coefficient of copper, R is the original resistance, and ΔT is the change in temperature.

Now, you didn't provide the actual values for α or R, so we're going to have to make up some numbers here. Let's say α is the average age of a clown divided by the square root of the number of pies thrown during a birthday party, and R is the number of laughs a clown gets in an hour multiplied by the length of the clown car in inches.

Given all these made-up variables, we can calculate the change in temperature by rearranging the formula:

ΔT = ΔR / (αR)

Plug in those arbitrary values, do some calculations, and ta-da! You'll find the exact temperature change needed to increase the resistance by 30%. Please note that these numbers are completely fictional and should not be used in any serious scientific endeavor. Thank you for clowning around with me!

To determine how much you would have to raise the temperature of a copper wire to increase its resistance by 30%, we need to use the temperature coefficient of resistance (α) for copper. The temperature coefficient of resistance for copper is approximately 0.00386 1/∘C.

The formula to calculate the change in resistance (ΔR) due to a change in temperature (ΔT) is given by:

ΔR = R₀ * α * ΔT

ΔR = Change in resistance
R₀ = Initial resistance
α = Temperature coefficient of resistance
ΔT = Change in temperature

In this case, the change in resistance is 30% of the initial resistance (R₀) and the initial temperature is 20∘C. Therefore, we can calculate the change in temperature needed using the following steps:

Step 1: Convert the percentage change in resistance to a decimal:
Percentage change = 30% = 0.30

Step 2: Calculate the initial resistance:
R₀ = 1
Since the initial resistance is not given, we can assume that it is 1 (or any other convenient value).

Step 3: Substitute the values into the formula and solve for ΔT:
ΔR = R₀ * α * ΔT
0.30 = 1 * 0.00386 * ΔT

Step 4: Solve for ΔT:
ΔT = 0.30 / (1 * 0.00386)
ΔT ≈ 77.72

Therefore, you would have to raise the temperature of the copper wire by approximately 77.72∘C to increase its resistance by 30%.

To determine the temperature increase needed to increase the resistance by 30%, we need additional information like the temperature coefficient of resistance (α) of the copper wire. The temperature coefficient of resistance measures how much the resistance of a material changes with temperature.

For copper, the average temperature coefficient of resistance is approximately 0.00393 1/°C. This value means that the resistance of copper increases by 0.00393 times its initial resistance for every 1°C increase in temperature.

To calculate the temperature increase, we can use the formula:

ΔR = R × α × ΔT

ΔR is the change in resistance (30% in this case)
R is the initial resistance of the copper wire,
α is the temperature coefficient of resistance (0.00393 1/°C for copper),
ΔT is the temperature increase we want to calculate.

Since we are given the initial temperature (20°C) and the desired resistance increase (30%), we can rearrange the equation to solve for ΔT:

ΔT = ΔR / (R × α)

Let's substitute the given values into the equation:

ΔT = (30% / 100%) / (R × 0.00393)

To solve for ΔT, we also need the initial resistance value. Without it, we cannot calculate the exact temperature increase required.