how to convert the number 15,257 to base 13 and the answer

To convert a number to a different base, follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide the number by the base and record the remainder.
Step 2: Divide the quotient obtained in Step 1 by the base again and record the remainder.
Step 3: Repeat Step 2 until the quotient is zero.
Step 4: The remainders obtained from each step will be the digits of the converted number, read from bottom to top.

Let's apply these steps to convert the number 15,257 to base 13:

Step 1: Divide 15,257 by 13: Remainder = 15,257 % 13 = 12. Quotient = 15,257 / 13 = 1174.
Step 2: Divide 1174 by 13: Remainder = 1174 % 13 = 4. Quotient = 1174 / 13 = 90.
Step 3: Divide 90 by 13: Remainder = 90 % 13 = 11. Quotient = 90 / 13 = 6.
Step 4: The remainders obtained are 11, 4, and 12. Reading them from bottom to top, the converted number is 4B12 in base 13.

So, the number 15,257 in base 10 is equivalent to 4B12 in base 13.