which of the following do experts recommend regarding the search for information on the internet

avoid boolean operators since new technology has made them obsolete
stick to one search engine like google so that bookmarks are better organized
bookmark any site that has possible value
visit only websites that look professional

I'll be glad to check your answer.

i thing it is b

I disagree.

I don't think a search engine has anything to do with organizing your bookmarks.


Please stop guessing and read the question and possible answers more carefully. It would also help if you studied your book!!

Experts recommend the following practices when searching for information on the internet:

1. Use Boolean Operators: Contrary to the statement mentioned, experts do recommend using boolean operators as they help refine and narrow down search results effectively. Boolean operators include words like "AND," "OR," and "NOT" that can be used to combine or exclude search terms.

2. Utilize Multiple Search Engines: While Google is a popular search engine, it's a good practice to use multiple search engines like Bing, Yahoo, or DuckDuckGo. Different search engines may provide different results based on their algorithms, so using more than one helps you find a broader range of information.

3. Evaluate Website Credibility: Rather than solely relying on the appearance of a website, experts emphasize evaluating its credibility. Look for reputable sources, such as government websites, academic institutions, or well-known organizations. Check for accurate information, author expertise, references, and a date indicating when the page was last updated.

4. Verify Multiple Sources: To ensure accuracy, it's crucial to cross-reference information from multiple sources. This helps to validate the information and avoid potential bias or misinformation.

5. Use Critical Thinking: Apply critical thinking skills while evaluating information found online. Consider the source's trustworthiness, potential biases, and corroborating evidence. Engage in fact-checking and verify claims with reliable sources before accepting them as accurate.

6. Bookmark Valuable Sites: If you come across a website that provides valuable information, it's good practice to bookmark it for future reference. Bookmarked sites can help you quickly revisit trusted sources and save them in an organized manner for easy access.

Remember, it's important to always double-check information and critically evaluate it during your search.