What's the fastest way to find Anti Logarithms(not using interpolation or a log table)

can anyone give me an example using any kind of value? (preferably solving triangles)

Use your scientific calculator

the operations of log and 10^x , which should be found on your calculator, are inverses of each other

suppose you want log 35.5

on mine the key strokes are as follows:
to get 1.55022...

Now you want antilog 1.55022
which is really just 10^1.55022...
so you could use the y^x key
such as
to get back the 35.5


to get 35.499999.... (which is 35.5 for all practical purposes)

practise the above using some different values.


To find anti logarithms without using interpolation or a log table, you can use the exponentiation method. Here's a step-by-step example using a triangle problem:

Let's say you need to find the anti logarithm of 3.5.

Step 1: Understand the Problem
In this example, we will solve a triangle using the sine function, which requires finding an anti logarithm.

Step 2: Recall the Relationship
In trigonometry, the sine function relates the length of a side to the ratio of the opposite side to the hypotenuse. It is given by the equation:
sin(theta) = opposite / hypotenuse

Step 3: Rearrange the Equation
To find the anti logarithm, we need to rearrange the equation to isolate the angle (theta). In this case, we want to find theta, so we rearrange the equation as follows:
theta = sin^-1(opposite / hypotenuse)

Step 4: Evaluate the Expression
Using a calculator with trigonometric functions, enter the value of the opposite side and the value of the hypotenuse into the expression:
theta = sin^-1(3.5 / 5)

Step 5: Calculate the Result
Now, calculate the expression using the calculator to find the anti logarithm value:
theta ≈ sin^-1(0.7)

The calculator will provide you with the result, which in this case is approximately 44.43 degrees.

Therefore, the anti logarithm of 3.5 is approximately 44.43 degrees.

By following these steps, you can find the anti logarithm of any value without using interpolation or a log table.