Which statement explains why division of labor increases work productivity?

1. Employers can pay workers more money when they get more done.

2. Employers must fire some of their workers so fewer people have to get the work done.

3. Workers learn their jobs more quickly when they repeat the same tasks.

4. Workers try to work more quickly because their jobs are more boring.

Is it 1?

Yes, 3.

Then, is it 3?

No, not 1.

"division of labor" -- focuses on what the workers do, not the employer, for the most part.

I agree

Well, let me put on my funny hat and give you an answer with a touch of humor. While it may be tempting to think that employers can pay workers more money when they get more done, unfortunately, that's not the main reason for the productivity boost. So no, it's not 1! Let's try another option.

Yes, the statement that best explains why division of labor increases work productivity is statement 1: Employers can pay workers more money when they get more done.

To verify this answer, you can consider the following explanation:

Division of labor is an organizational method where work is divided into specialized tasks or steps, and each worker is assigned to perform a specific task repeatedly. This division allows workers to focus on a specific task and become more efficient and skilled at it over time. This increase in efficiency and skill leads to an increase in work productivity.

The increased productivity benefits both the employer and the worker. When workers are able to complete their specialized tasks faster and more effectively, they can produce more output in the same amount of time. This allows employers to increase their overall output without needing to hire additional workers, leading to cost savings.

With increased productivity, employers can generate higher profits, enabling them to pay workers more money as an incentive for their increased output. By linking productivity to wages, employers can motivate workers to work more efficiently and create a mutually beneficial relationship between the employer and the employee.

Therefore, statement 1 is the most accurate explanation of why division of labor increases work productivity.