Draw a graph that is not function and has these three properties:

Domain of x-values satisfying -3<x<5
Range of y-values satisfying -4<y<4
Includes the points (-2,3) and (3,-2)

To draw a graph that is not a function with the given properties, we can create a vertical line that passes through the points (-2,3) and (3,-2).

Start by drawing the x and y-axes on a coordinate plane. Label the x-axis with the values from -3 to 5 and the y-axis with the values from -4 to 4.

Next, plot the points (-2,3) and (3,-2) on the graph. The point (-2,3) is located 2 units to the left of the y-axis and 3 units above the x-axis. The point (3,-2) is located 3 units to the right of the y-axis and 2 units below the x-axis.

Now, draw a vertical line passing through these two points. The line should be parallel to the y-axis and extend from the top to the bottom of the graph. This will create a graph that satisfies the given conditions.

Note that this graph is not a function because it fails the vertical line test – there are multiple y-values for some x-values, indicating that the relation is not one-to-one.