what is stanza

A stanza is a group of lines in a poem. A stanza could have 3 lines in it, 2 lines in it, 4 lines in it, but poets rarely use more than 4. Here are some examples:

6 stanzas, 3 or 4 lines each:

3 stanzas, 4 lines each:

6 stanzas, various number of lines in each:

A stanza is a group of lines in a poem that is considered a unit. It is kind of like a paragraph in prose writing. Stanzas often have a fixed number of lines, a specific rhyme scheme, or a particular meter. They help to organize and structure a poem.

To understand what a stanza is, you can read the poem and look for a break in the lines. Typically, stanzas are separated by an empty line or an indentation. Pay attention to the pattern of the line breaks and the way the poet has organized the ideas or emotions within each stanza. This will help you to identify and appreciate the structure and meaning of the poem.