Kate Alexander worked 40 hours last week. Her pay rate is $8.50 per hour. Assuming 7.65% social security withholding, how much should her employer withhold from her check for social security?

40 * 8.5 * 0.0765 = ?

Kate Alexander worked 40 hours last week. Her pay rate is $8.50 per hour. Assuming 7.65% social security withholding, how much should her employer withhold from her check for social security?


To find out how much Kate's employer should withhold from her check for social security, we need to calculate 7.65% of her total earnings for the week.

First, let's find out how much Kate earned last week:
Total earnings = 40 hours * $8.50 per hour
Total earnings = $340.00

Next, calculate 7.65% of her total earnings:
Social security withholding = 7.65% * $340.00

To calculate this, we multiply the percentage (7.65%) by the total earnings ($340.00).

Social security withholding = 0.0765 * $340.00
Social security withholding = $26.01

Therefore, Kate's employer should withhold $26.01 from her check for social security.