Find the volume of a starburst candy (220 cm cubed). The mass is 5.14 grams. Calculate it's density. How many starburst would it take to fill your locker (139,200 cm cubed)? Use dimensional analysis to solve this problem.


To calculate the density of the starburst candy, we can use the formula:

Density = Mass / Volume

Given that the mass of the candy is 5.14 grams and the volume is 220 cm³, we can substitute these values into the formula to find the density:

Density = 5.14 g / 220 cm³

To convert cm³ to g, we need to know the density of the starburst candy in g/cm³. Therefore, we need to find the conversion factor between grams and cubic centimeters for this specific candy. Since we are not given this information, it is difficult to determine the exact density without additional data.

Now, let's calculate how many starburst candies it would take to fill your locker, which has a volume of 139,200 cm³, using dimensional analysis.

Dimensional analysis involves converting units from one to another by multiplying or dividing by conversion factors. In this case, we want to convert from the volume of a starburst candy to the volume of the locker.

Conversion factor: 1 locker volume = 220 cm³ (volume of 1 starburst candy)

To find the number of starburst candies that would fill the locker, we can set up a proportion:

Number of starburst candies / 1 locker volume = 1 locker volume / 220 cm³

Cross-multiplying, we get:

Number of starburst candies = 1 locker volume * 1 locker volume / 220 cm³

Number of starburst candies = 139,200 cm³ * 1 locker volume / 220 cm³

Number of starburst candies = 139,200 / 220

Number of starburst candies = 632

Therefore, it would take approximately 632 starburst candies to fill your locker.