A common solecism is

a=i don't need any
b=i don't get any
c=i don't want it

All of them are solecisms since "I" is not capitalized and "dont" doesn't have an apostrophe.


Ms.Sue plz answer me on english -headlines editing!!!!

A common solecism refers to an error in grammar or usage. In this case, the three options provided ("a=i don't need any," "b=i don't get any," and "c=i don't want it") seem to be incomplete sentences or phrases. To identify the incorrect usage, we can analyze each option separately.

Option A: "i don't need any"
This phrase is grammatically correct as it forms a complete sentence. However, it's unclear what "any" refers to without additional context.

Option B: "i don't get any"
Similar to option A, this phrase is also grammatically correct. However, like before, it lacks context, making it difficult to determine what "any" represents.

Option C: "i don't want it"
Once again, this option is grammatically correct as a complete sentence. However, without context, it is unclear what "it" refers to.

To determine the incorrect usage, we would need more information or a clearer context. Alternatively, if these options are intended to be used as responses to a specific question, you would need to provide the question itself to assess whether these choices fit the context appropriately.