wait...so you were talking about this question: (c^2/3d^-1)^-2

I thought you were talking about this question:

so is my answer to this question (2m^4n/3m^-1n^3)^-2 correct?

Apologies for the confusion. Let's clarify the question and work through it together.

The question you provided is: (2m^4n/3m^-1n^3)^-2

To solve it, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the expression inside the parentheses.
Inside the parentheses, we have a fraction where the numerator is 2m^4n and the denominator is 3m^-1n^3.

For the numerator:
- We can combine the like terms, m^4 and n, by adding their exponents. So, 2m^4n remains the same.

For the denominator:
- When we divide two terms with the same base, we subtract the exponents. In this case, we have m^-1 in the denominator, which means we can rewrite it as 1/m^1. So, using the exponent rule, we have 3 * 1/m^1 * n^3.

Simplifying further, we get: 2m^4n / (3 * 1/m * n^3)

Step 2: Simplify the expression outside the parentheses.
The expression outside the parentheses is -2, indicating that we need to apply the exponent to the entire fraction inside.

When we raise a fraction to a negative exponent, we can flip the numerator and denominator and change the sign of the exponent. So, we can rewrite the expression as:

(3 * 1/m * n^3/2m^4n)^2

Step 3: Evaluate the expression.
Now, we can simplify the expression further by squaring each term inside the parentheses:

(9 * 1/m^2 * n^6/4m^8n^2)

We can now multiply the coefficients and combine the like terms:

9/4 * (1/m^2n^-2) * (n^6m^-8)

To multiply the coefficients, we get 9/4. For the variables, we need to combine their exponents:

1/m^2n^-2 can be rewritten as 1/(m^2n^2).

So, our final answer is:

9/4 * 1/(m^2n^2) * n^6m^-8

Which can also be written as:


Simplifying further, we have:


Therefore, the correct answer to the question (2m^4n/3m^-1n^3)^-2 is (9n^4)/(4m^10).