Arturo Muina is the captain o a charter fishing boat. He is paid a salary of $140 per day. He also averages tips amounting to 12% of a $475 daily charter rate. Last month during a fishing tournament, Arturo worked 22 days. What wre his total gross earnings for the month?

To calculate Arturo's total gross earnings for the month, we need to determine his salary per day and the amount he earned from tips per day.

1. Salary per day: Arturo is paid a salary of $140 per day.

2. Tips per day: Arturo receives an average of 12% of the $475 daily charter rate in tips. Therefore, the tip amount he receives per day is 0.12 * $475 = $57.

Now let's calculate Arturo's total gross earnings for the month by multiplying his daily earnings by the number of days he worked:

Salary earnings = 22 days * $140/day = $3080

Tips earnings = 22 days * $57/day = $1254

Total gross earnings for the month = Salary earnings + Tips earnings = $3080 + $1254 = $4334

Therefore, Arturo's total gross earnings for the month were $4334.