determine the pressure of a 20 lb force is applied to an area of 10 inch squared

To determine the pressure when a 20 lb force is applied to an area of 10 square inches, we can use the formula:

Pressure = Force / Area

In this case, the force is given as 20 lb, and the area is given as 10 square inches.

Step 1: Convert the force from pounds (lb) to Newtons (N):
1 lb is approximately equal to 4.44822 N. So, to convert 20 lb to Newtons, we multiply by the conversion factor:

20 lb * 4.44822 N/lb = 88.9644 N

Step 2: Plug in the values into the formula:

Pressure = 88.9644 N / 10 square inches ≈ 8.89644 N/in²

Therefore, the pressure when a 20 lb force is applied to an area of 10 square inches is approximately 8.89644 pounds per square inch (psi).