the temperature is -10 degrees outside. The temperature inside is 72 degrees. what is the difference between the two temperatures?

If you need to find difference in temperature than subtract. 72 degrees outside - -10 degrees out side. 72 - -10 is the same as 72 + 10 because you can combine the negatives. Therefore 72 +10= 82 degrees difference

To calculate the difference between the two temperatures, subtract the temperature outside from the temperature inside.

Temperature difference = Inside temperature - Outside temperature

Temperature difference = 72 degrees - (-10 degrees)

Since subtracting a negative is the same as adding a positive, the equation becomes:

Temperature difference = 72 degrees + 10 degrees

Temperature difference = 82 degrees

The difference between the two temperatures is 82 degrees.

To find the difference between the two temperatures, we need to subtract the outside temperature from the inside temperature. The formula to find the difference is:

Difference = Inside temperature - Outside temperature

Let's substitute the values into the formula:

Difference = 72 degrees - (-10 degrees)

To simplify the calculation, let's remove the negative sign:

Difference = 72 degrees + 10 degrees

Adding the two temperatures together:

Difference = 82 degrees

Therefore, the difference between the inside temperature of 72 degrees and the outside temperature of -10 degrees is 82 degrees.