what conclusions can draw about early humans from the information presented in map

the answer is A


To determine the conclusions that can be drawn about early humans from a map, we need specific information about the map you are referring to. Maps can provide valuable insights into the movements, settlements, and behaviors of early humans based on geographical features and archaeological evidence. Here are some general conclusions that can be drawn from maps describing early human populations:

1. Migration Patterns: Maps can reveal the migratory routes and patterns followed by early humans. By examining distribution patterns and settlement locations, we can deduce the movement of populations across different landscapes.

2. Habitat Adaptation: Maps can indicate the habitats and environments where early humans settled. This information can shed light on their ability to adapt to diverse ecosystems and resources and the impact of environmental factors on their lifestyles.

3. Trade and Interaction: Maps showing trade routes or archaeological sites can suggest early human interactions, exchange of goods, and cultural diffusion between different groups, indicating the extent and influence of trade networks.

4. Social Organization: Settlement patterns on a map can provide clues about early human social organization, such as the presence of centralized settlements, shared resources, or cultural and religious sites.

5. Technological Innovation: Maps combined with archaeological findings can help trace the development and spread of certain technologies, like tools and pottery, and how these innovations influenced the movement and expansion of early human populations.

To draw specific conclusions about early humans from a particular map, it is important to analyze additional details, such as legend, timestamps, geographical features, and supporting research.

What map?

What are YOUR conclusions?


i need help with it 2

come on people this is easy