which waves have wavelengths longer than those of visible light? Give an example of how each kind of wave is used.

Radio waves and then also it could be infrared or microwave cause they are longer than any other type of waves.

Radio is used in radio transmission - by taking large wavelengths and conducting them by using antennas to cover large distances.

Microwaves are used in all wireless communication and then also can be concentrated to be used for transferring heat.

Infrared is night vision and thermography. It can also be used for heating as well

The waves that have wavelengths longer than those of visible light are called non-visible waves. Three examples of non-visible waves are radio waves, microwaves, and infrared waves. Here's an explanation of each wave type and how it is used:

1. Radio Waves: These waves have long wavelengths, ranging from a few millimeters to several kilometers. They are commonly used in radios and televisions to transmit and receive signals. Additionally, they are employed in communication systems such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and cell phones. Radio waves are also used in radar systems for navigation and in radio astronomy to study celestial objects.

2. Microwaves: These waves have shorter wavelengths than radio waves but longer than those of visible light. Microwaves are used extensively in household kitchen appliances like microwave ovens, where they generate heat by exciting water and other substances through molecular vibrations. They are also employed in communication systems like satellite communications, as well as in radar technology for weather forecasting and aircraft navigation.

3. Infrared Waves: These waves have wavelengths slightly longer than those of visible light. Infrared waves are commonly used in heat-sensitive devices, like thermal cameras and infrared thermometers. They are also utilized in remote controls, where they transmit signals to control electronic devices like televisions, air conditioners, and DVD players. Furthermore, infrared waves are employed in industrial processes to measure temperature, detect gas leaks, and in night vision technology to enhance visibility in low-light conditions.

Remember, to find information about different kinds of waves and their uses, you can consult reliable sources such as textbooks, scientific articles or websites that specialize in the field of physics or technology.