A plane flew an estimated distance of 800 kilometers. The greatest distance the plane could have flown is

depends on the estimating method. If you're rounding to the nearest 100km, then 849 is the largest whole number guaranteed to round to 800.

Agree with Steve. 849 rounded to the nearest hundred is 800. 800 rounded to the nearest hundred is 800. There you have your max and min traveled distance.

A plane flew an estimated distance of 800 kilometres the greatest distance the plane flew is

849 is the max estimated to the nearest 100, but 750 is the minimum estimated to the nearest 100

To find the greatest distance the plane could have flown, we need to consider the estimated distance as the minimum distance it traveled. This means that it is possible for the actual distance traveled to be greater than 800 kilometers.

However, without any additional information, we cannot determine the exact value of the greatest distance the plane could have flown. It could have flown any distance greater than 800 kilometers, depending on various factors such as wind speed, air traffic, efficiency of the plane, etc.